Start Collecting Trap Brown Grease
For decades, Reiter Consulting has helped launch and grow UCO and trap brown grease companies all across the country. Let Reiter’s years of expertise expedite your company’s growth. We know how to increase efficiency and minimize waste. We’ll help with:
Facilities & Equipment
Facilities for processing trap brown grease are similar, but not identical, to the facilities needed for UCO. Trap brown grease is 97% waste and 3% sellable grease.
Reiter Scientific Consulting Can Help You:
- Setup a wastewater disposal process to avoid the cost of carting your wastewater to a treatment plant.
- Modify your UCO facility and create a processing stream for brown grease
Seamlessly integrate your trap brown grease business into your UCO business.
Reiter Scientific Consulting can help you:
- Forecast and budget, so you can stay on top of your cash-flow
- Setup your most efficient refinement process
- Find the best price for your oil
- Integrate your trap brown grease stops into your current routes