Major U.S. Biodiesel and Renewable Fuel Producers Announce New Purchasing Requirements.

Urgent News for Used Cooking Oil Vendors

Pursuant to CARB’s LCFS GREET 3.0 Carbon Intensity modeling tracking system, all Used Cooking Oil vendors selling to biofuel producers must now agree to Quarterly and/or Annual collection record audits.  Additionally, utility information and collection mileage data are being requested to determine if more lucrative CI values can be attained.


Substantially, all major U.S. bio-diesel and renewable diesel producers participate in the CARB regulated marketplace.  This means that these new requirements apply to you, regardless of your location if you wish to continue doing business with these fuel producers.  Generally speaking, these producers have historically paid very well for UCO, and the inability to access these buyers could have a very negative affect of UCO marketability.

Reiter Software is urgently developing new features to ensure that you can continue to sell to these biofuel producers.  The features we have in development allow you to EASILY track and maintain all necessary data, and to PROTECT this data from your counterparties while still providing them the data necessary for them to mitigate their risks.

For additional information pertaining to these new CARB regulations, we released a video podcast talking about how these new changes can and will affect the current marketplace.

If you are a UCO collector, please contact to discuss individual company licensing.  If you are a biodiesel producer, please contact to discuss bulk licensing for your entire supply chain.